Watch my worldly adventures

People say being an adult sucks, but personally it's been GREAT. In 2016 I finished University with a stupid art degree, met the best human in the whole world, and convinced him to run away to the other side of the planet with me.

Nearly a decade later, we're still hanging out together and going on adventures, and I think that's awesome.

I've tried to capture as many of our adventures together on video as I can, and put them together into relaxing travel vlogs. I'm mostly making them for me to look back on, but I've had extended friends and family tell me they watch them all the time, and even put them on in bed to relax!

I'm actually YEARS behind on editing, we've been to Japan four times now, and I think I'm only up to about half way through our second trip? Unsurprisingly, the editing quality does improve as time goes on (and I stop using Windows freakin' Movie Maker), but if you want to watch any, feel free to jump in whenever :)

Full Playlist

If you want to watch all our videos in chronological order, this is the playlist for you!

New Zealand 2016-2017

Remember that time we lived in New Zealand for a while? Here it is!

First trip to Japan 2017

Want to see a bunch of dorks living their dream of visiting Japan? We hang out in and around Tokyo, having the best time

Second trip to Japan 2019

Can we book a holiday literally anywhere else in the world? No, no we can't. This time we decide to travel TOP TO BOTTOM, ACROSS JAPAN, while also booking almost no hotels! It's definitely an adventure!

Third trip to Japan 2020 - [videos not yet uploaded]

We have a gentle trip almost exclusively in the snowy Sapporo - narrowly missing the super-spreader Covid event of Sapporo Ice Festival that kick started the pandemic. We didn't bring Covid to the UK, and instead had a very relaxing holiday! #blessed

Fourth trip to Japan 2023 - [videos not yet uploaded]

After closing its boarders for THREE YEARS, we're finally allowed back into Japan. We visit all our favourite places and people, and I collect a giant, life sized Slowpoke plush from my Japanese tutor's house. How do I transport it home? WITH DIFFICULTY.

Friends holiday to Portugal - [videos not yet uploaded]

A bunch of cool people in my life REALLY want to go to the beach, so we have a lil trip to Portugal :)

Weekend in Barcelona! - [videos not yet uploaded]

A fabulous friend is getting married, and decides instead of a Hen do, to just have a weekend in Barcelona. It was great!